World-beating value
Delivering performance in Schematic Capture and PCB Layout normally associated with products at ten or even twenty times the price, Easy-PC rightly deserves the accolade: “Worldbeating”.
Easy-PC has been created by a team of software professionals with some 200 man years experience in development of leading-edge Electronic Design Automation solutions. The team has rewritten the rule book for EDA tools designed for low to high complexity PCB layouts.
Easy-PC is packed with time saving features to make the task of PCB design and layout so much quicker and more pleasurable.
Simple to learn and understand, yet packed with
powerful features Easy-PC was designed to be quite simple to learn so that you, the customer, are productive within a few hours of practice with the product. Frequently, new customers report they are producing their first board within a few days of installing the
software - it really is that simple and intuitive!
Number One Systems’ commitment to the future
Another reason for the remarkable enthusiasm for Easy-PC is the Number One Systems commitment to continual development and expansion of the product. Every year we offer our existing much valued customers a new version of the product at a reasonable upgrade price, including a package of new features and enhancements. Many of these are new developments based on feedback from the many thousands of customers using Easy-PC on a daily basis. Thus we ensure our customer’s investment in software design tools are kept up-todate and abreast of changes in technology.
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